Wednesday 10 March 2010

Bird Seed

My Grandparents pioneered the Sunshine Coast in the 30's, the family history goes a long ways back. We have lived here, on and off, for 20+ years and full time for 7 of those. There is a peacefulness, a stillness, a West Coast blanket of comfort. This 'blanket of cozy' has taken a long time to embrace.

Everyday life-chores used to be the focus, now the chores are the 'coffee break' in time.

There has been much 'action-in-the-air' these days. Two eagles have been soaring through our forest. Yesterday a Sharp Shinned Hawk did the same, then perched on a branch. Having seen this bird a few times, I know that he has his own fly-through-diner and has been here on many occasions. You see, I toss a cup of bird seed down every day as the bird feeders get tossed down by the deer and bears. The cup of seed gets eaten every day, no waste. So far as I know, hawks do not eat bird seed. Hawks like other birds. Fat, healthy, plump, seed filled birds.
Explains all the feathers strewn about this winter.

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